nsaid系列讲座第03期预告:how to publish in jeem-凯发k8网


nsaid系列讲座第03期预告:how to publish in jeem
文章来源:国家农业制度与发展研究院 发布时间:2019-11-30 浏览次数:639

  题  目:how to publish in jeem

  报告人: roger h. von haefen

  主持人: 梁菲菲  博士

  时  间: 2019124日(周三)10:00-12:00

  地  点:华南农业大学 经管学院大楼 602

  报告人简介:roger h. von haefen is professor in the department of agricultural and resource economics and associate director of the center for environmental and resource economics policy (cenrep) at north carolina state university. he received his ph.d. in economics from duke university and a b.a. in economics from the university of notre dame. dr. von haefen’s research and teaching programs focus on environmental and resource economics, with special emphasis on applying tools from benefit-cost analysis and non-market valuation to water, coastal and transport issues.  he is currently the co-editor-in-chief of the journal of environmental economics and management and recently advised federal and state agencies on the natural resource damages arising from the 2010 deepwater horizon oil spill.

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